Upgrade & Expansion of Local PS for Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department Improvements




Through this project, Premiere Design Solutions, Inc. (PDS) as Prime Consultants is responsible to Manage and execute work in close coordination with M-DWASD Staff, preparing this project that included the complete design services, including preliminary site investigation and inspection, surveying, hydraulic analysis, coordination with other municipalities and the public, preparation of design reports, preparation of drawings, calculations and contract specifications and preparation of design-build criteria packages.  We are also tasked to obtain all necessary permits and coordinate with all authorities having jurisdiction upon specific work orders.

This project included the assistance during procurement phase and engineering support during construction.  PDS provides support to M-DWASD Staff in Engineering service during construction phase, including periodic site inspections, attendance at meetings, reviewing shop drawings, responding to requests for information, reviewing claims and potential change orders, reviewing contract schedules and schedules of values and reviewing as-built drawings. 

PDS has successfully completed the following WO on this contract:

  • Pump Station D2-D2: New Pump Station in North Miami with dual submersible pumps. 
  • Pump Station 0830: PS Improvements to install dual submersible pumps with Standby Generator
  • Pump Station 0520: PS Improvements to convert dry well to wet well and install dual submersible pumps in a constraint site
  • Pump Station 1085: PS Improvements to install dual submersible pumps in existing wet well
  • Pump Station D20B1: New Pump Station fronting FDOT road with dual submersible pumps 
  • Pump Station 1285: New Pump Station with dual submersible pumps
  • Pump Station 0374: PS Improvements to install dual submersible pumps in new wet well in a constraint site
  • Pump Stations – 1085CA Furnishing and installing new submersibles pumps new valve vault including check valves, plug valves, pump out, ARV and connections.